About HLC:

Land Brokerage Services


Our full service auction solutions include live and online auctions, auctioneer services, and the benefits of our team-based approach.

Brokerage Services

We specialize in the acquisition and sale of agricultural real property through private treaty brokerage, and also offer brokerage services for commercial, residential, and recreational properties.

Buyer Representation

Looking to make a land purchase? Put our expertise to work for you, as we help you navigate the purchase process with ease and confidence. Our team-based approach and expert guidance provide a comprehensive, quality experience.

Tax Deferred Exchanges

Interested in learning about how to protect your assets in the midst of a dynamic market? Hewitt Land Company can help coordinate the process for you.

Selling with Hewitt Land Company

Featured Property

What is Your Property Worth?

As you pursue the possibility of selling your property, we’re here to help. Our no-obligation property assessment provides valuable information about your property’s worth and insight based on current market trends in the midwestern agricultural economy. To get started, please fill out the form below, and we will look forward to being in touch!

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